Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grow Why I believe in Jesus?

So, with so many questions, why do our pastoral team believe in Jesus? Craig shared his life story.

What questions would you like to ask Jesus if he was sitting here with your table group? Would you like a muffin? Could you please go visit my friend? When you were dead, were you conscious of anything? What do we pray for, for our world today? What more can I do, to help others come to know you? Did you ever have any moments when you thought it was too hard? Or have I got the strength? Did you get the “near death” closeness to God? Did you always know the time of your death? Did you know the “whole plan” or did God give it to you bit by bit? How do you feel about people disbelieving your death on the cross and minimizing it? Did you ever just want to run away from your calling? Why do some people follow Jesus after having heard or been taught about his resurrection, and some not? Do you still harden peoples hearts towards yourself? Why do a bunch of people who follow Jesus still fight about what they believe in? Did it feel weird when you came back to life? Was it fun? Did you feel pressured to please everyone? Were you thinking of anyone while you were on the cross, so, who were you thinking off? Why did you take my husband so young was it because he was in so much pain?

What words would you use to describe Jesus?
Alive. Obedient, brave, loving focused, faithful to His Father’s will. Betrayed. Selfless. Amazing. Faithful. Courageous. Luke 18 1-8. Risen, determined/focused. Amazing, giving. Sacrificial, steadfast (unchanged in motive after 2000years). Magnificent, awesome, Wise, caring. Frumpy clothing. Courageous, wise, powerful. Forgiving, loving, guiding, rejoicing. A man of opportunities.

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